Global Rot

One of the things which has mystified me since Biden stole the crown, is the deep, dark hatred for Donald Trump we see all around. He didn’t do everything perfectly, but by all comparisons to Presidents past, Donald Trump did an absolutely amazing job! The list is far too big to go over in any detail here, but if we just select a few items it becomes quite clear that Trump was good for America.

While the propagandia and internet search engines try to paint a different picture for each of these. We were paying far less for everything! American energy independence was gigantic! Those of us who lived through it, with our eyes open can remember paying under $2.00 a gallon for gasoline. Had the demonicrats not destroyed it, America would’ve become enormously wealthy as its result. 

We had an effective, and more importantly, safe, southern border. We had worldwide peace. Jerusalem was recognized as the capitol of Israel and teenage girls weren’t getting raped by Islamites. Taxation was going down. Family income was going up. The list goes on and on, but just based on these things alone, it’s hard to imagine how such a hatred developed for the man responsible.

Well, the truth is it didn’t develop. In spite of the lies being broadcast by the propagandia. The hatred for Donald Trump is manufactured by the enemies of America. Here’s the bottom line truth of the matter, Donald Trump is an anti-globalist who’s actually holding them back from their goals. Being a nationalist by nature I’ve had an essential problem with the concept from the beginning. It’s like the NFL becoming a single team. What then, is the point of the game? 

As we look at the globalist world which is evolving we see an elite, fabulously wealthy, inherently powerful group looking to feed off lesser humanity as a whole, ignoring such inconveniences as borders and nationalities… oh, and rules of behavior. The inevitable futility of the enterprise is apparent in similar but far less selfish endeavors such as spiritualism. Nothing could be more global, in essence than the concept of a worldly God, and humanity all at its care and mercy, yet what do we see in this universal world? Buddhism, Shamanism, Taoism, Christianity, Judaism, and on and on. And each of those divided again: Catholicism, Protestantism, Baptist, Methodism, Mormonism and on and on. And each of those divided yet again.

So at its core we see the concept of globalism removed from the arena of human nature. “In essence, we humans are distinct beings. Shaped by our genetic makeup, socio-cultural influences, education, life experiences, and value systems into which we are immersed, we display attitudes, perceptions, and understandings that are unique to our being and different from others. What markedly distinguishes us, therefore, is “diversity” – i.e., being composed of different elements” (Lekha Keister). 

All of which brings us back to the original question, from whence came what we are being sold as the universal hatred of Donald Trump? Yes! From the globalists. Sadly, much of American society has been sucked into the lie, both left and right, and so it is that “Make America Great Again,” broken down to its acronym, MAGA (to make opposition to it seem less offensive), has become a curse word everywhere outside of groups who love America, yes, those bloody, no good nationalists. Headed today by Donald Trump.

Oh, If you’re interested in bathing in a vat of bullshit, search any of these topics, on any platform. Particularly the border crisis, or “2020 election was rigged.” The results of such searches provide huge evidence of the propaganda. Don’t you think there’d be at least a few references to the fraud? It’s hard to believe they see us as being that stupid, but they do!
